Sunday 7 December 2014

Juniper and keeping sickness away

Juniper is a beautifully fragrant evergreen shrub that dominates prairies and mountains. Uniquely, it is the most offensively prickly of all evergreens. This berry yielding shrub once extensively used and absolutely necessary, is now seldom mentioned. Every part of this plant is and should be used. The wood yields a resin used to purify and prolong the life of drinking water and offers a delicate violet-like fragrance and taste. The wood is also used in barbecues for flavor and to neutralize one of largest dietary sources of carcinogens we suffer from today, burned meat. The potent berries are used to flavor all kinds of meats, which reduce meat/fat oxidation up to 78%! The roots are boiled into a thick dark-fuchsia dye. The needle/twig tea and berry tea are devastating to bacteria's, viruses, fungus's and parasites. This has got to be one of the most versatile shrubs I have come across.

Three proofs of the medical claims of Juniper:


Juniper has been used as a type of 'flush' to get rid of accumulated toxins, but more importantly used in prevention. The presence of juniper is most used to keep communicable diseases at bay.


If you can handle the terribly clever prickly needles you can harvest the juniper berries. Juniper berries take 3 years to ripen. The first year they are white and poisonous, they will just obliterate your kidneys. The second year they are light blue and are still amazingly harmful to the kidneys but on the third year they are ripe and dark blue/black in color and are among the best kidney medicines nature provides. They are an efficient diuretic, stimulant, and are an extreme anti-microbial antiseptic.
The berry tea is simple. A teaspoon to tablespoon of dried powdered ripe berries steeped in a cup of hot water for 20 minutes with a very tight lid. Drunk in the morning and evening. Though not safe for pregnant women, this tea works relentlessly on solving kidney issues but its most remarkable effect for modern days are its anti-fungal action against the widespread overgrowth of Candida spp. It shows devastating anti-microbial action against 16 species of bacteria, gram-positive and gram-negative, 7 fungus's and a variety of viruses.

These beautiful attributes are largely due to these main compounds found in the volatile oil extract of the twigs needles and berries: alpha-pinene (29.17%) and beta-pinene (17.84%), sabinene (13.55%), limonene (5.52%), and mircene (0.33%). These compounds have been extensively studied invitro and invivo. Even convincing human studies using unusually low doses, exhibited effective anti-microbial antiseptic actions.

Its effects against antibiotic resistant strains of viruses and bacteria's are also note-worthy. This quality is attributed only to Alpha and Beta Pinene. 

Additional amazing uses of Juniper:

This plant is so effective at keeping sickness away that there are lofty claims that have been proven of juniper boughs simply hanging in the house to keep away the common colds and flues. Pots of the needle/twig tea be brewed and drunk to be a sufficient substitute for the flu shot. During the black plague in Europe, physicians were instructed to hold a minimum of 10 berries in their mouth when near infected patients, this is what kept the sickness away from them.

A compound called Streptozotocin, which is found in the berries is toxic to cells. This one compound belongs to a group of alkylating agents that are called nitrosoureas, these block the production of the DNA of cells but when combined with hundreds of other compounds that are found inside juniper, Streptozotocin is suddenly only toxic to cancer cells mainly of the pancreas.

Its anti-microbial antiseptic actions are transferred to water via resin drops. The resins are extracted from the wood and is dripped onto the water vessel. They prevent the build-up of a number of micro-organisms and keep water fresh for an extended period of time. These resin-drops give the water a nice violet-like flavor that makes it go down much easier.
It has its place in the culinary arts as well! Aside from the fragrant full flavor the berries give meat, they were used extensively to preserve meats until the mass availability of nitrates. As I mentioned above they reduce meat oxidation up to 78% and have been proven to be far superior meat preservative than nitrates. To top it all off the needle and twig tea is almost always a favorite out of all evergreen flavors, especially with children.

The Doctrine of Signatures:

Every plant has been created so that you know its one specific medicinal use. The signature feature of juniper, the unique feature that separates this evergreen from all other evergreens are its prickly needles.

Its blatantly obvious, when you observe other evergreens all their needles are soft and don't cause any amount of harm what-so-ever. On tamarack they are remarkably soft, balsam fir and hemlocks are a common bush-bedding, cedars are flat and soft, etc. However, when you look at juniper they are very uncomfortable and painful. Harvesting the berries leaves your hands with millions of tiny irritating holes in them if you don't wear thick gloves. All walking trails go well around juniper because of this brutal feature. When you observe other insects, reptiles and animals and how they interact with this plant you will find that they use it as protection, often making their homes in the shrub. We are to do the same.
When we use this plant to protect our bodies and our homes we seldom contract communicable diseases, even anti-biotic resistant strains, and when we do the severity is not worth mentioning. 

Juniper has been created to protect you from communicable diseases, from the simplest to the most complex.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Scouring Rush

Scouring Rush - Gziib'nashk

 Scouring rush is a eyecatchingly beautiful plant, separate from every other plant I've seen, by only having one limb with no leaves or fringes. Many people mention its resemblance to bamboo though it is much smaller.  In order for this plant to survive, it needs to deposit large amounts of calcium and silica into its cambium tissue which provide all of its structural support. Therefore this plant is only capable of growing where there are large amounts of silica and calcium in the soil including areas like beaches, riverbeds, and various waste places (ditches, gravel pits, etc.). Hence the Anishnaabemowin name, Gziib'nushk - Ziibeh meaning river.

One of my favorite features of this plant, aside from it medicinal use, is when you gather large bundles of it to let them dry as the vertical ribs in conjunction with its hollow core create a very loud, very intense, high pitched ghastly scream. Hence the Anishnaabemowin name Gziib'nashk - Ziinweh, meaning to scream.
Tea made from this absolutely remarkable herb tastes like a mild green tea with a slight sour twist. Its sour tingle makes ingesting therapeutic doses more than desirable. It offering a sour flavor is present in the Anishnaabemowin name: Gziib'nashk - Gziiw, meaning sour.

3 Proofs of the medical claims of Scouring Rush: 


Scouring rush has been used around the world as a “bone medicine.”


Scouring rush contains therapeutic amounts of Vitamins and Minerals; C, A, and E, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc and Copper. All of which are absolutely necessary for the hardening and strengthening of bones.

The plants silicon and silicic acid content is greater than that of any other plant in the entire plant kingdom! These compounds allow your body to be able to store large amounts of calcium in your bones and produce large amounts of collagen and other body tissues. This magnificent creations' silicic acid causes leucocytosis (notable increase in white blood cells) to protect fatty deposits in blood vessels with only a small dose. Its great encouragement of lipid-metabolism makes this plant endlessly useful in treating cardiovascular sicknesses across the board!

Additional amazing uses of scouring rush:

Scouring rush has an array of alkaloids, flavanoids and saponins which relieve what is called specific-inflammation and in scouring rush's case, is inflammation only around bones, ligaments, joints, and skin/hair/nails. The absence of inflammation in these areas allows the body to heal remarkably quick. This array also has some very special effects on healing severely damaged lung tissue from Tuberculosis  and smoking.

Scouring Rush is also great for tissue toning, a local-astringent and surefire diuretic action when combined with large amounts of silica.  These actions make for an incredibly speedy kidney and bladder stone expulsion, quick healing of ulcers and cystitis with haematuria (blood in urine), reducing hemorrhage, fast healing of regular external wounds, bleeding from the mouth, nose and bowels, diarrhea, dysentery, chilblains and conjunctivitis.

The Doctrine of Signatures: 

When you look at the structure of a bone, on the outside it has a very hard outer layer called the periosterum, which is made up of collagen. The layer after the hard collagen is a softer spongy bone and the center is hollow for marrow.

Scouring rush is structured the exact same way. It starts out with a hard outer layer which is loaded with silica and calcium, then has a holey or spongy layer and a hollow center.

This plant has so much silica in it when you hold it up to the sun you can see the shimmer of all the abrasive little crystals.  It has so much silica that before the industrial production of steel wool, which happened just before WW1, you would purchase bundles of this plant instead and use it to polish everything from wood to metals and even ivory. Hence the name Gziib'nashk - Ziibii, describing the scouring motion!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Oral Hygiene

 Oral Hygiene

Few cultures around the world have good oral hygiene, woodlands people are one of those few. We kept our teeth well into 100 years old. Imagine being one of those first few settlers, coming from a society where a long life is 30 years of age, and seeing an old native guy or gal, sitting in the corner of a Wiigwaam in the middle of the forest claiming to be over 100 years old! Man, That would freak anyone out. then he/she smiles at you, with a full set of white adult teeth! I'd definitely be interested in how. 


There are 2 interesting addictions: 

Chewing sticks and Chewing resin gums

Chewing sticks were a common addiction among some of these special woodlands people. You use any tree/shrub branch that is fibrous, then you pound or chew the tip until the end is frayed and looks like a brush! It is then nibbled on all day. It is also used as a brush. Now, I said this was a common addiction because I'm sure a lot of you have this addiction as well. Where you thoroughly enjoy using your fingernail or something else sharp (toothpicks) to firmly press on your gums just to feel this really weird, good feeling pain. This is why chewing sticks are addicting, because of the way you use them to brush. The “pain” is from the bristles of the chewing stick that are are very stiff. 

Always brush from the top of your gums down, slowly.  Constant brushing this way will callous your gums tough. Constant brushing this way will assure your gums stay firmly hugging your teeth very low, to make sure your roots are never exposed, so your teeth never fall out! 

 I wonder why the dentists still tell us to brush horizontally?

It is an addiction, and because it is an addiction you tend to do it all day. The constant stimulation this provides the gums is therapeutic in itself! Also constant brushing is constantly clearing any plaque that has built up.

So by simply using chewing sticks, an addiction is fulfilled and a lifelong habit is formed (trust me it will) Your gums are sure to stay low, firmly hugging your teeth, and your gums are very tough and hard so you don't have to worry about your gums getting destroyed when your eating crunchy things. In a handful of cultures across the planet chewing sticks have been employed, and it is these and only these cultures that have been known to keep their teeth into being elderly. Just so you know the World Health Organization just recently publicly announced that oral hygiene is the third (and rising) leading cause of heart disease in Canada and the U.S. All it takes is a few good heart healthy habits to prevent this from EVER happening to you! 

Resin gums is the other reason for the oral hygiene of my ancestors. I want everyone to know this! 

In fact, the chewing gum you probably have in your mouth right now wouldn't be there if it wasn't for William Wrigleys observing the addicting spruce gum. He started his business in Maine slashing hectares of spruce trees, which yielded resins that he collected and put in spruce gum boxes to send back overseas to sell to the rich. 

Spruce gum boxes also changed the fashion world, tailors suddenly had to make pockets to hold these boxes in the overalls of lumberjacks (notice the giant square pocket on some overalls still today) 

Chewing this gum was such a fad in Europe, when lumberjacks would come overseas to work, the most romantic thing that you can do for your 'honey' back home is send her a spruce gum box. There are accounts that litter the internet of lumberjacks who died fighting for the most beautiful piece of resin. Some really are just like rubies! 

Okay now for another weird question that only some of you will completely understand: 
Does anyone ever just want to bite on something really hard? (I think this is the only reason why I like steak)  I get these cravings where I just want to chew on something really tough, its like my jaw muscles are craving a workout! Apparently it is a common desire for people to have! Much like spicy food. Its such an intense and normal desire for people get addicted to chewing on things that are not so easy to chew on. Spruce gum is pretty tough, and its a blast to be able to chew on it all day, if your feeling stressed just pop a spruce gum, and just crank your jaw and feel the cortisol fade away. 

Here's to all your hunters!

On average 80% of the scent you give off is from your mouth(I'm sure this number is much higher in the morning), to all you hunters out there this should perk your ears!

Spruce gum is anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-parasitic...I like to sum all of its qualities up in this: anti-EVERYTHING-BAD! Imagine craving to chew on something that will kill anything bad in your mouth, and leave all the good of your mouth perfectly intact (Probiotics, Prebiotics). When you chew spruce gum you are also preventing the build up of all bad bacteria's, and providing a constant supply of juices that will kill all bad bacteria's that build up throughout your entire digestive tract! Talk about HEALTHY!! We all should understand that our digestive systems should be good bacteria's, this is what really breaks all the food down, so much so that we are being coined "bacterio-sapiens." 

The result of a bad diet is bad gut bacteria, the result of taking anti-biotics is a stripped gut flora, allowing the buildup/infestation of bad bacteria now imagine swallowing the juices of this resin that will kill all the bad bacteria and allow the buildup of only the good bacteria! This should speak volumes to the "probiotic movement!" 

When your chewing these resins all day when you wake up the next day your mouth is so clean, scent free. Its outrageous how most of us will just live day to day waking up with a rancid, sticky, nasty, smelling mouth. Lets get addicted to some perfect things, lets get addicted to things that will cause us to be more healthy, lets start to develop a true appreciation for what has been created for us to heal, us!